Breaking News
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Info Post

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7 comentarios:

  1. Dear nr4-san,
    part01 just went offline (on rg ... I made an extra account to support you). I kindly beg, could you please re-upload that file, otherwise all existing parts are useless. ��
    Thanks so much for your huge effort!!

    1. I appreciate the request. Downloaded all the files realizing one part is missing, offline. Refreshing the page daily in hope of an re-upload. Please. Arigatou gozaimasu!

    2. uncompress everything and tell me what file you lack, like 00008.m2ts as example, maybe you'll have to uncompress with 7zip in order to extract files from part20 to 29

    3. uncompress everything and tell me what file you lack, like 00008.m2ts as example, maybe you'll have to uncompress with 7zip in order to extract files from part20 to 29

    4. Your devotion to the scene is marvelous! A final どうもありがとうございまた for all your (extra) effort and best wishes for the future plans!!! "You know... anytime nr5" :)

    5. nr5 if copyrights claims kills nr4


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